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A vibrant church community based in the western suburbs of Adelaide.

love God. love people.

We are passionate about people discovering their purpose in Christ and living their life to the full.

We believe in building life giving relationships. Our community is inclusive, you don’t need to be a certain mould or creed, just come as you are.

We are a part of C3 Church Adelaide Hills – one church in three locations.

If you want to find out what we’re all about then come and visit a SUNDAY SERVICE or HOUSE PARTIES.

We can’t wait to meet you.

sunday services.

9:30am Coffee / 10:00am Church

72 Marlborough St, Henley Beach
(Fulham Gardens Primary School)

Our sunday services are life giving and feels like family.

It’s where God meets His people, miracles happen and lives are changed. 

We understand that it can be daunting going somewhere new for the first time, but we’ll go the extra mile to make sure you feel at home. If you’re up for it we’d love to host you afterwards for a free coffee!

loving people into freedom in Jesus

house parties.

House parties are the heartbeat of our community. We gather together to eat, share stories, scripture, pray. It’s like a big family dinner. We’d love to invite you to join us.
Our prayer is that no one in our city would go through life isolated and alone.  

partner with us

We’d like to thank you for partnering with us financially as we seek to fulfil His call to build a growing and influential C3 Church in western suburbs of Adelaide.

Bank Account details for direct deposit.

Name C3 Henley Beach
BSB 035094
Account # 223511

get in touch.